Solar panels are securely laminated, sealed within tempered glass, and subject to rigorous testing to ensure no hazardous materials are released, even if the panels are damaged.
FAQ Category: Health & Safety
Will solar panels end up in a landfill in my area?
We are committed to recycling solar panels on all our solar farms, partnering with environmentally responsible recycling facilities vetted by the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA).
Can solar panels be recycled?
Over 80% of a typical PV solar panel consists of easily recyclable materials. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) oversees a national solar panel recycling program to ensure responsible recycling.
Is EMF (Electromagnetic Field) a concern?
EMF from solar is no more impactful than that from home appliances, and there is no detectable EMF generated by solar panels themselves.
Will I hear noise from the solar farm?
Sound at the solar project is limited to inverters and transformers, which are inaudible beyond the project boundaries. Our projects adhere to local noise regulations.
Do solar farms increase local temperatures?
Studies show that any heat generated by solar farms is minimal and dissipates quickly, with no measurable impact beyond the project boundaries. Solar projects often include ground cover, providing a cooling effect.
Is glare an issue?
Solar panels are designed to absorb sunlight, not reflect it. A study may be conducted to ensure there is no interference with aircraft, as required by the FAA.
How much water is needed?
Solar farms are designed to require minimal water, with cleaning rarely necessary during operations.